The Prairie Majesty Oracle Review by Beth Allen

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“Insights reveal themselves in their own time and at their own pace. Sometimes we must stop moving, and let them find their way to us.”
— Great Blue Heron from the Prairie Majesty Oracle
Exploring oracle decks is a very different experience from tarot. With tarot the systems usually are set, whereas with an oracle each deck creates its own system apart from every other oracle deck. Even the way a reader uses an oracle can change from deck to deck because it’s such a fluid and varied system.
In exploring the Prairie Majesty Oracle by Kara Simons, with illustrations by Amy Putney Koenig, I’m struck by the cohesiveness of the deck. The concept, the art, and the writing come together beautifully to bring messages of hope and inspiration, advice and guidance. The animals, trees, plants, and elements, all found on the prairie, have been carefully selected and thoughtfully researched, which brings depth to the deck and makes working with it all the more meaningful on a spiritual level.
The 48-card deck is divided into four color-coded sections with 11 cards in each of the sections, as well as four additional cards. The cards categorized under yellow are “Do” cards and ask that we actively approach a situation. The cards categorized under pink are “Know” cards and help us tap into our intuition. The blue section is “Feel” and these cards guide us to acknowledge our emotions surrounding an issue, and the green section contains the cards to “Claim” or reclaim our power in a situation. The four extra celestial cards are the Sun, Moon, Sky, and Star and these are used to show the movement of the energy in a reading.
The guidebook offers different ways to use the deck and different spread ideas. It’s a thorough little guidebook with an explanation of the flora, fauna, or element on each card and how their role or presence connects spiritually with the card’s message. Underneath the illustration on each card is a one-word summary for focus or meditation.
Artistically the deck is stunning, with a matte finish that doesn’t clump and shuffles like a dream, pink gilded edges, and if you’re a deck sniffer (come on, I know you are), it smells wonderful — I sniff it every time I use it. The quality of the deck is excellent and each depiction on the card is both fun and pretty, with a primitive and earthy art style.
At the top of each of the 44 cards is a question for the reader, for example, the Bison asks, “How can I know myself as absolute?” and at the bottom of the card is the focus word “BE.” The River asks, “Am I receiving peace?” and the focus word is “SOOTHE.” The Cottonwood tree asks, “What gift awaits?” and the focus word is “GLITTER,” and Wild Bergamot asks, “What enchants me?” and reminds us to feel “DELIGHT.”
This deck can stand alone as an oracle, but like partners in a square dance, it pairs nicely with a tarot deck.
Using the deck by itself, I like to pull a card in the morning as a guide to approach my day and to reflect upon its message at day’s end. Sometimes I choose a specific card to work with to form an intention or focus.
Working with the oracle and a tarot deck I will pull a card to clarify a specific tarot card in a reading or use the oracle to expand upon or deepen the meaning of a tarot reading. You also can pull one oracle card at the end of a tarot reading to summarize the overall message.
Most often I pair this oracle with a tarot deck in my readings. I’ve found it works well with The Prairie Tarot, Journey of the Sacred Bee tarot, and The Crow tarot. All of these decks are sold through Magical Omaha, but you certainly can use any tarot deck you already have.
I place the Prairie Majesty deck face down next to my tarot deck, also face-down, and lift a card from each deck together at the same time. You’d be surprised by the synchronicities in meaning you’ll get from these readings.
Another way I like to read is to first lay out my tarot cards in answer to a question and then pull one oracle card for each tarot card I’ve pulled and place it beneath the tarot card. This enriches the entire reading and provides me with more information. This free-form reading style also is great practice for honing your intuitive skills.
Willa Cather wrote that “anybody can love the mountains, but it takes a soul to love the prairie.” The Prairie Majesty taps into that, and like the song of the meadowlark, its voice is clear, unique, and unmistakable.
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