The Mabon Harvest Moon Spread By Beth Allen

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The autumnal equinox, or Mabon, is almost here! September 22 is the first day of autumn and Mabon, when we honor the second harvest of the year and winter’s approach. Traditionally it’s a time to collect and celebrate the abundant harvest that comes from the fruits of our labor. September’s full moon, which is called the Harvest Moon, falls on September 17 this year.

Tarot can be an amazing addition to any ritual and Mabon is no exception. I created the Mabon Harvest Moon Spread to help you personally connect with the holiday. Choose two tarot decks or one tarot and one oracle deck. These can be seasonal decks you bring out at this time of the year or favorite and trusted decks you use regularly. I’m using The Green Witch Tarot by Ann Moura, art by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard, and Under the Oak Tarot by StregaDelleMele, art by Ofride. You will be pre-selecting three cards plus The Moon card (four cards total) from the first deck and reading from the second deck using the three questions below.

First, find The Moon card in the first deck and put it on your table face up, at what will be the top of your spread. The Moon stands alone and sheds light on our journey. It illuminates our path but more guideposts are needed when seeking clarity. With that in mind, choose three significator cards from that same tarot deck.

You will choose three significator cards that, for you personally, represent each one of the three questions you will be asking. You will place them face up from left to right under The Moon card.
Choose Card 1 to represent the question: What am I not seeing that I can be grateful for?
Choose Card 2 to represent: What hidden gift can I bring to the table to share with others?
Choose Card 3 to represent: What support am I not seeing that will help me harvest abundance?
After laying those three cards under The Moon card, you are done using that deck in this spread.

Now take your other deck and shuffle it. You will use this tarot or oracle deck like you would in a regular reading for yourself. Without looking at the cards and while shuffling,
ask the Card 1 question. Pull a card and lay that card face up underneath significator Card 1 from your first deck.

Shuffle and ask your deck the Card 2 question, pull a card, and lay that card face up underneath significator Card 2.

Shuffle and ask your deck the Card 3 question, pull a card, and lay that card face up underneath significator Card 3.

I’ve done a Mabon reading for the collective (please see the photo).Under Card 1,
What am I not seeing that I can be grateful for? I pulled the 6 of Swords. This is a perfect card for manifesting a needed change in your life under a full Harvest Moon. This is the card for necessary transition and a full moon is the perfect time for manifesting this. Take a moment to feel gratitude for this new season, a season in which you can make the changes that help transition you into a better place emotionally. Feel gratitude for shorter days, which provide us with more opportunity to go inward in darkness and thought to see the changes we want to make going forward. Ask your guides and ancestors for help, feeling gratitude for their support and asking them to help guide you toward what it is you want to accomplish.

Under Card 2, What hidden gift can I bring to the table to share with others?I pulled the Ace of Wands. At this harvest, take time to spread the joy of inspiration because just as things die, new things come to life. Think creatively and outside the box; share this energetic shift with friends, family, and community. Fan the flames and come up with a project you can do with others. It may get dark earlier but the spark from the embers of new adventures and ideas shed a powerful light.

Under Card 3, What support am I not seeing that will help me harvest abundance? I pulled the 4 of Wands. You are supported in many, possibly unseen, ways. The number four represents security, foundation. You literally have the support you need to launch those Ace of Wands projects and journey through the changing terrain in the 6 of Swords. You have the power of the shifting winds and you’re able to gather abundance to share with friends and/or family, as well as draw on your inner strength for stability.

It’s a joyful message, appropriate for the Mabon celebration.Enjoy your harvest!

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