Written by Andrea Schulman
you with your soul mate? Whether you’ve found your soul mate or not,
please realize that every person you interact with here on Earth is here
to teach you something. So no matter whom you’re with, trust that they
are exactly who you need at this precise moment in time.
That being said, some of us have chosen to experience this lifetime
with what many call a soul mate, or a twin flame. A soul mate is a
partner who connects with you on a deep, eternal level. The soul mate
connection is so profound because typically this is a soul that you have
already spent many lifetimes with. You came into this lifetime
choosing to journey through it together.
Chances are, you’ve at least seen examples of couples with a soul mate connection, but if you want to know if you’ve found your soul mate in this lifetime, here are five key characteristics to look for in your relationship:
1) Instant Chemistry
may have had just laid eyes on your soul mate, but you feel that you
completely understand them and they understand you. Conversation with a
soul mate is immediately effortless. Again, you have probably known
your soul mate for many lifetimes, so even if you’ve met later in life
your souls instantly recognize and understand each another.
2) You are able to be your genuine self
With a soul mate, you know that you are respected and appreciated for
precisely who you are. You do not need to mask your true feelings or
thoughts for fear that your partner will not accept you. You never feel
like you have to go out of your way to impress them or win them over,
because they appreciate you in your most authentic state.
3) They challenge you
We came into this life to experience growth and change. A soul mate
will help you reach your goals of expansion. They will push you towards
your dreams, and encourage you to move outside of your comfort zone to
achieve them. A soul mate will not hold you back or let you be
complacent. You came into this life experience to grow together, so you
will encourage that growth in one another.
4) You experience many “psychic moments”

With a soul mate you will have many flashes of insight and
intuition. You will often finish each other’s sentences or simply know
what the other one is thinking. This is because your connection is far
beyond the physical, third dimensional plane.
5) Your love endures with the years
Unlike lustful or temporary love, which fades over time, soul mate
love is eternal. Your love will continue to grow, it will not wither
and die. You will not be tempted to leave your soul mate; from the
moment you meet you will be connected in this life until you part at
you’ve found your soul mate, enjoy this blessing because not everyone
will experience it in this lifetime! If you haven’t yet found your soul
mate, worry not. Trust that you can look forward to this experience in
your future or in another lifetime, and appreciate the relationship
lessons that you are learning in the here and now. The people you are
with in this lifetime are preparing you for the obstacles and
achievements of your future!
As one last final note, you may note that these characteristics do
not apply to your lover, but they do apply to a parent, a sibling, a
friend or some other close personal relationship you have. A soul mate
connection does not have to be romantic in nature, so it is indeed
possible that you have a soul mate in one of your other relationships.
Be grateful for these connections, because having the opportunity to
journey through life with
any soul mate is a true blessing!
About the Author:Andrea Schulman is a former high school teacher and the creator of Raise Your
Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction
techniques. To learn more about Andrea and Raise Your Vibration Today,
please visit her website at
www.raiseyourvibrationtoday.com - See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/5-signs-you-have-found-your-soul-mate/#sthash.1bkcpXD1.dpuf