Products 145-156 of 288
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Item #: RO-BOR -
Bornite is also called Chalco Pyrite and Peacock Ore.Bornite activates all the chakras. This stone can help bring a new fresh energy to your life. Its been called the stone of happiness because of the energy of joy it brings you.One piece
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TPBRON -
Bronzite Repairs and strengthens the will. It helps the body to absorb iron. It is called the "Stone of Courtesy" it promotes loving equitability and unprejudiced discernment within the user. It helps stimulate decisiveness over issues that we have not resolved within our lives. It is a stone giving us courage to 'do', during the action of 'being'. It assists us in achieving a state of certainty without willfulness. It can help all facets related to service, bringing the value of assistance to...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: RO-BCL -
Blue Calcite can help assist you with developing your psychic senses as well as astral travel. THIS stone is high ev=nergy and can assist you in communicating what you see with your 3rd eyeOne piece
Availability: In Stock
Item #: RO-RCA -
Red Calcite opens your root (1st) chakra which will increase your overall energy.This stone will heighten your senses allowing you to feel more comfortable in your body. One piece
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ROGC -
Approximately 1-1.5", 1 pieceGreen Calcite is the perfect comfort stone. When you hold it, you feel contentment. It opens your heart chakra and its energy surrounds you like a hug.Green calcite is good for abundance and money drawing. Place the calcite around a green candle and burn it regularly to bring money into your life.Green calcite is a great energy amplifier so use it when directly healing and Reiki energy.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TP-CAR -
Carnelian helps protect you from fear, rage, envy and helps you process and release heavy emotions. Carnelian is helpful for healing of the root (1st), sacral (2nd), solar plexus (3rd),and throat (5th) chakras. One piece
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TP-CHA -
Chalcedony is is excellent at balancing your, mind, body, spirit and emotions. With your whole being in harmony, you will be at your best for communication. Blue Chalcedony is also very calming and soothing, helping you feel more receptive to life. One piece
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TP-CHR -
Charoite will help you ground to your spiritual self. This stone will also help you accept others as they are. Charoite is nurturing to your heart center, allowing you see other with love. One piece