Price: $30.99
    Points to Purchase:310
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    Ruby, one of the most prized gems in the world, is a mineral in the corundum group, an aluminum oxide with a hardness of 9. Its name comes from Latin, Rubeus, for the color red. Fine pieces are found in Burma, India & Thailand. Mystic Lore: Intuitive sources say that Ruby is a stone which can enhance our courage & passion. It is said to initiate the Kundalini & to increase one's supply of life-force energies. Ruby is recommended for clearing blockages, for arousing sexual energies, and for transmuting them for spiritual purposes.

    Overall Customer Rating of 2 Reviews:
    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star


    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    I knew this would be gorgeous but it's even more beautiful than I had anticipated! Ruby is a very nice stone for us July babies!

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    The wire wrapped ruby I received is gorgeous! I love wearing it!