Sandalwood and exotic spices inject a spirit of creativity into this uplifting scent.
Ingredients: Sandalwood (Santali lignum), Borneo Camphor (Dryobalanops camphora) and spices.

35 sticks plus small incense burner

Price: $5.99
    Points to Purchase:60
    Points Earned:0
    Bonus Points Earned:0

    Item #: SIAII
    Availability: In Stock

    Sandalwood and exotic spices inject a spirit of creativity into this

    uplifting scent.
    Ingredients: Sandalwood (Santali lignum), Borneo Camphor (Dryobalanops camphora) and spices.

    35 sticks plus small incense burner

    Overall Customer Rating of 1 Reviews:
    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    Council Bluffs

    Angelic Japanese Incense is heavenly

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    Great little incense. Perfect for meditation and inspiration. Small in size, but packs the punch of a larger stick.