Millennial Tarot Deck: Cards for the Journey of Adulting
This tarot deck includes all of the original cards of the Rider-Waite deck, with additional content added to make their meanings more relevant, accessible, and understandable. This deck is perfect for both tarot beginners and experienced readers, as it provides a deeper understanding of the cards while maintaining the traditional meanings. The deck also includes trigger-free language, making it accessible and safe for all users. The imagery in the cards showcases LGBTQIA, multi-racial, body size, and accessibility diversity, reflecting the beauty and diversity of the Millennial generation.

  • Deck78 Major & Minor Arcana
  • Includes Spreads & Online Guide (no physical booklet)
  • Cards3.5" x 5.5" rounded matte
  • Box3.65" x 5.65" x 1.5" gloss tuck box
  • Perfect For Millennials ages 25-40

Price: $49.99
    Points to Purchase:500
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    Item #: MTD
    Availability: In Stock