Price: $19.99
    Points to Purchase:200

    Item #: AJ-QC
    Availability: In Stock

    When you need cash in hand, right away, no questions asked, this is the ultimate money magic for you.


    Cash in hand is what I call

    Arrive quick, do not stall

    The universe will provide

    My riches flow in on this tide

    Calling in enough for all

    I pull to me this abundant haul

    My number is set, it does arrive

    In timely fashion so I may thrive.

    Size: 2"x 4" Pillar

    Burn Time: 40 Hours

    Color: Rich Green

    Scent: Woodsy


    Remove all packaging before lighting. Never leave a burning candle unattended. Place in a fire safe container. Keep away from drafts, flammable objects, children, and pets.

    We've done all the work for you – each blend of herbs and oils is specially chosen to complement the intention of the candle.

    Handmade in Ferndale, MI